Social Media Creator & Influencer Meetup(virtual) #11

Online event

A meetup for Social Media Creators & Influencers. Let's get to know each other, share experiences and make sure we succeed together! Hi there fellow social media content creator, we decided to try our meetup virtually because of the still developing COVID-19 situation and some requests from participants :) We at ArtXTalent organize regular meetings...

F8 Refresh

Online event

About F8 Refresh While we had to make the difficult decision of cancelling F8 last year due to the Covid-19 pandemic, a pause in our annual developer conference allowed us to reassess our strategy and the best path forward for the event and our developer community. For the first time ever, F8 Refresh will be...


Harnessing The Power of LinkedIn through Building Relationships | FB Live

Online event

Do you feel like you are not using LinkedIn to its full potential? Do you see or hear about other people changing careers or growing businesses using LinkedIn and wonder why it's not working for you? In this session, Ruth Thomson will share how she has used LinkedIn to make a career transition into a...

EMEA EdTech Summit 2021

Online event

Join us at the EMEA EdTech Summit on 15th June to learn how EdTech businesses can adapt to the changes in the industry and accelerate growth. The event is tailored for EdTech advertisers.


Stripe Sessions

Online event

Join us for product updates, demos, and workshops to learn how we're building for the future economic growth of our customers. It's free and all the talks are available on demand. Stripe Sessions


LONDON BOOK FAIR – Taking Words Further

Online event

London Book Fair 2021 In case you haven’t yet heard, The London Book Fair is going digital this year with our first-ever on-screen event, The Online Book Fair. Bookending the month of June, this year’s digital offering will be an interactive networking event that will create space for the global publishing community to come together to meet, learn and share ideas....


Facebook & Instagram advertising – iOS14.5 update and more news | FB Live

Online event

In April 2021, Apple introduced a number of policy changes with their iOS14.5 update, including a request for users to opt into tracking by apps, including Facebook. This affects advertisers’ ability to track and market to potential and current customers via Facebook and Instagram ads. Facebook Advertising in a post iOS14.5 world – what eCommerce...

Social Media Creator & Influencer Meetup (virtual) #12

Online event

A meetup for Social Media Creators & Influencers. Let's get to know each other, share experiences and make sure we succeed together! Hi there fellow social media content creator, we decided to try our meetup virtually because of the still developing COVID-19 situation and some requests from participants :) We at ArtXTalent organize regular meetings...

Creativity Boosting Workshop – How To Be Unapologetically Creative | Zoom

Online event

Do you feel that you're not a creative person? Are you struggling to let go of the constraints and let your creativity flow? If you'd like to live your life and lead your business creatively and authentically, join us for this "out of the box" Zoom workshop about creativity with Chloe Ambrose! CREATIVITY: What does...

Social Media News and Updates – mid-year update | FB Live

Online event

Where did the year go? We're halfway through 2021 and so much has happened in the first 6 months! There isn't a week or day without a major update to how various social media platforms work. It's incredibly challenging to keep up with all the changes and know what they mean for your business! To...