
What Is Brand Safety, And Why Is It Important?

8 - What Is Brand Safety And Why Is It Important

Brand safety refers to the measures and practices that companies employ to ensure their brand’s reputation is protected when they advertise online. It involves safeguarding the brand’s image by controlling where and in what context their advertisements appear. The goal is to prevent a brand’s ads from being associated with or appearing alongside content that could be harmful to the brand’s reputation or inconsistent with its values.

In essence, brand safety is about maintaining control over a brand’s environment and associations in the digital space. 

The Importance of Brand Safety

Brand safety is not just a buzzword; it’s a critical aspect of modern marketing strategy. A brand’s reputation, built over years of careful cultivation, can be severely damaged in an instant if associated with inappropriate or offensive content. This damage can lead to a loss of consumer trust, decreased sales, and long-term harm to the brand’s image.

So many consumers are increasingly conscious of brand values and corporate responsibility. That means maintaining brand safety is essential for preserving customer loyalty and attracting new customers. The UK’s Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) emphasises the importance of responsible advertising, which includes ensuring ads appear in appropriate contexts.

It Prevents Advertisements From Appearing In Unsafe Or Unsuitable Environments

One of the primary functions of brand safety measures is to prevent advertisements from appearing in unsafe or unsuitable environments. This is crucial in the digital advertising landscape, where programmatic advertising often places ads automatically based on user data and targeting parameters.

Unsafe or unsuitable environments can include websites or content featuring hate speech, violence, adult content, fake news, or other controversial topics. For instance, imagine a family-friendly brand ad appearing next to an article about violent crime or on a website known for spreading misinformation. This juxtaposition could lead consumers to question the brand’s values or judgment, even though the placement was unintentional.

By implementing robust brand safety measures, companies can significantly reduce the risk of their ads appearing in these problematic contexts. This protects the brand’s reputation and ensures that advertising budgets are spent effectively, reaching the intended audience in appropriate environments.

Balancing Brand Safety and Reach

Overly stringent brand safety measures can sometimes result in missed opportunities or reduced campaign effectiveness. For example, blocking all news sites to avoid potentially controversial content could mean missing out on valuable, engaged audiences. Similarly, overzealous keyword blocking might prevent ads from appearing alongside relevant, brand-safe content.

The key is to develop nuanced, tailored brand safety strategies that align with the brand’s specific values and risk tolerance. However, achieving brand safety on YouTube for example can be complex, especially for new advertisers, so get in touch with the team at Channel Factory. They can help you to ensure that your brand stays safe and suitable and always finds the right audience. 

The Impact of Social Media on Brand Safety

Social media platforms present both opportunities and challenges when it comes to brand safety. On one hand, these platforms offer powerful targeting capabilities and the potential for viral reach. On the other hand, the user-generated nature of content on social media can make it harder to control the environment in which ads appear.

Many social media platforms have developed their own brand safety tools and policies to help advertisers maintain control over their ad placements. However, brands need to remain vigilant and proactive in monitoring their social media advertising. The fast-paced nature of social media means that potentially problematic content can emerge and spread quickly.

Tags: Brand, Marketing, Strategy