DropTrack Review: Is It Worth It?

Making music is half the battle won, but to be successful you need listeners. DropTrack solves that issue by giving you control over the promotion of your music. But there’s more to the platform than meets the eye. Therefore, this DropTrack review determines whether or not using the platform is beneficial for your circumstances.

What Is DropTrack?

Drop Track helps you track and promote your music through software. It helps independent artists, producers, and record labels promote songs to their existing audience or find new listeners by promoting their songs among its industry insiders.

For artists looking to get their songs in front of the right ears having this exposure is necessary.

How DropTrack Works

DropTrack is primarily software (similar to a CRM) that helps you store and share your music with your contacts. When you sign up, you can upload your music, add metadata to each song, and then add – and segment – your contacts. Once you’ve uploaded the following, you can begin sharing your songs or playlists with your contacts. This works best if you want to segment your marketing campaigns or get key insights about different demographics. 

Every contact you share your music with gets a unique link which the software tracks to determine how long they’ve listened and allows them to give feedback on the music.

DropTrack’s Pricing

Drop Track’s pricing is straightforward. You can either pay $119 per year – and make a 50% saving – or pay $19 monthly, the plans come with a 30-day free trial so you can test the software and determine if it’s worthwhile.

DropTrack Review: Benefits of Using The Platform

There’s a common misconception that industry influencers only care about artists who’ve already made it. However, to keep listeners interested in their blogs, podcasts, or playlists, it’s important that these insiders have access to a consistent stream of undiscovered talent. That talent could be you. DropTrack allows you to reach these listeners – whether they’re on your contact list or DropTrack’s – and see what music of yours they enjoy. These are some other benefits:

Promote Your Entire Catalog

Instead of promoting one song at a time – which you can do as well – DropTrack allows you to share your entire catalog with industry experts. This means you can share songs with your existing contacts or allow DropTrack influencers to find your music using DropTrack’s platform. It’s also beneficial that DropTrack enables you to change the metadata of your music including its genre and BPM, which makes it easier for influencers to find your music when searching for it through DropTrack.

Get Stats To Help You Grow

Data about your music is crucial to growing your audience and getting more streams. DropTrack gives you this data through indicators but also feedback from listeners. Now you can see which of your contacts are listening to your music, what songs they enjoy, how they engage with your entire catalog. 

Reach Industry Influencers

While you’ll receive most of the benefits of using DropTrack if you have your list of contacts if you want to expand your contacts you can do that on DropTrack also. DropTrack has a database of influencers spanning bloggers, radio stations, DJs, and Spotify Playlist curators. You can also get your demos in front of record labels.

Easily Launch Campaigns

Beyond promoting your music at any time, DropTrack also gives you the ability to launch and track campaigns. If you’re a record label or you’re an artist that wants to make the most of your campaign dollars, using DropTrack to store, share, and track the progress of your campaign will prove vital.


When you’re looking for a way to get into the music industry, networking with industry insiders can be challenging to navigate. DropTrack simplifies the process and allows you to not only share your songs with existing connections but also get your songs listened to by insiders. 

The data you get from both of these subsets, also means you know which of your songs are performing better, allowing you to tweak your sound to get more listens.

However, the software is most handy if you already have an existing contact list and are only using DropTrack to supplement your contacts and find new ones, not if you’re starting from scratch. We hope you liked this DropTrack review and will be glad to hear your insights in the comments.

Tags: Apps, Apps & Tools, DropTrack, Music, Musician, Review